coperta1Club IT&C Magazine Edition Rates 2024 – 2025

The national’s most influential and largest circulation news magazine.
National edition available quarterly.

Distribution: national, B2B, controlled. Club IT&C targets include CEOs, presidents, chairmen, owners/partners, technical professionals and other titled professionals.

Frequency: 4x

April 2024 – Cybersecurity

July 2024 – Cloud at the edge

October 2024 – B2B solutions and services

November 2024 – Digitalization. AI


 Dimension  4 Color
Rates apply to bleed and non-bleed creative.
Circulation includes the print and digital editions of the Magazine. Qualified full-run advertisements will run in both editions.

*2024 Rates. Rates available upon request. Please contact your sales representative for more information.

Full Page ( 210×280 mm, bleed 5 mm) + logo 400
2 Pages ( 420×280 mm ) 600
Cover 2 ( 210×280 mm) + 1 page article 800
Cover 3 ( 210×280 mm) + 1 page article 700
Cover 4 ( 210×280 mm) + 1 page article 1000
First Cover(banner 210x70px) + 2 pages article 800


Dimension Price/month

Rates apply to Audience Source: Google Analytics


Send your chosen option and billing information by email to

Leaderboard ( 728 x 90px – GIF, JPG, PNG, Flash) 300 euro / month
Rectangle ( 300 x 250px – GIF, JPG, PNG, Flash) 170 euro / month
Standard Banner ( 700 x 250px – GIF, JPG, PNG, Flash ) 200 euro /month
Interview 100 euro/issue
Article(more than 300 words) 100 euro/issue
Press Release( up to 300 words) 20 EUR/issue