Tag: Riken

Fujitsu folosește Fugaku și AI pentru a prezice în timp real efectele unui tsunami

Fujitsu folosește Fugaku și AI pentru a prezice în timp real efectele unui tsunami

Institutul Internațional de Cercetare a Dezastrelor de la Universitatea Tohoku, Institutul de Cercetare a Cutremurelor de la Universitatea din Tokyo și Laboratoarele Fujitsu au anunțat dezvoltarea cu succes a unui model AI care va oferi echipelor de gestionare a dezastrelor capacitatea de a prezice inundațiile tsunami în zonele de coastă în timp aproape real, valorificând puterea de calcul a celui […]

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FUJITSU Fugaku Supercomputer and Explainable AI accelerate Cancer Gene Analysis

FUJITSU Fugaku Supercomputer and Explainable AI accelerate Cancer Gene Analysis

Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) and Fujitsu Laboratories Limited have recently completed, in less than a day, estimation of the network that represents the influence relationship between genes and prediction of their relationship with infiltration and metastasis based on genes highly likely to be involved in cancer development. TMDU and Fujitsu achieved this leveraging Fujitsu Laboratories’ explainable AI technology […]

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Fujitsu and RIKEN Take First Place Worldwide in TOP500, HPCG, and HPL-AI with Supercomputer Fugaku

Fujitsu and RIKEN Take First Place Worldwide in TOP500, HPCG, and HPL-AI with Supercomputer Fugaku

As the information technology platform, Fugaku demonstrates overall high performance to make Society 5.0 a reality Fujitsu today announced that Fugaku, a supercomputer jointly developed by RIKEN and Fujitsu, was ranked No. 1 in the 58th TOP500 list of the world’s supercomputers. Fugaku also took the No.1 position in the international ranking HPCG (High Performance Conjugate Gradient), which measure the […]

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